Quantifying Vessel Propeller Wash Impacts on Sedimentation in Shallow-Bay Waterways
(Sponsor: Department of Transportation)
This research project is conducted as part of the Tier 1 DOT CREATE Transportation Center. The objective of this research project is to measure propeller wash dynamics and quantify resultant sediment suspension caused by deep-draft vessels in the field. This will be accomplished using a vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and echo sounder system capable of high-resolution 3D velocity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) measurements throughout the water column. Read more …
Comparative Assessment of Total Water Levels for Coastal Military Facility Readiness and Resilience Using Numerical Models
(Sponsor: Department of Defense, Environmental Security Technology Certification Program)
This project compares model predictions of coastal flooding at representative military facilities near coastal waters with the goal of identifying the best practice for any facility. Projections will be made at three installations using historical extreme events and a range of sea-level rise scenarios. Simulations will be performed using empirical, statistical, and numerical models that account for different physical processes whose importance may vary depending on the installation’s hydrodynamic and offshore bathymetry regime.
International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) Flood Resilience Program (FRP)
(Sponsor: National Science Foundation)
In recognition of the growing societal need to better understand flood impacts and the lack of systematic international research experiences for students, the IRES FRP between the U.S. and the Netherlands aims to provideĀ transformative multi-disciplinary international research training and education to the next generation of leaders facing the societal challenge of increasing flood hazards.
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