The Coastal Engineering & Nature-Based Solutions (CE & NBS) short course is a 4-day continuing education course offered by the Department of Ocean Engineering, with organizational assistance from the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station. It includes a mixture of engaging lectures by experts, laboratory exercises, and field site visits by bus and boat.
Who should attend?
If you are an industry professional, consulting engineer, coastal manager, federal, state, or local agency employee dealing with coastal issues, an interested graduate student or researcher, or simply keen on learning more about coastal engineering and nature-based solutions, this course is for you!
The next CE & NBS short course is scheduled for 16 – 19 September 2025 on Texas A&M University’s Galveston Island Campus.
Topics include:
- Waves and Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Coastal Sediment Transport
- Coastal Projects and Structures
- Planning Considerations for Nature-Based Solutions
- NBS in Coastal Flood Risk Management
- NBS Adaptive Management and Stakeholder Considerations
Registration will open soon. Contact Dr. Jens Figlus with any questions. 2025 Content for Attendees (password protected).
Below you can find agendas and impressions from past CE & NBS short courses:
TAMU – 2024 CE + NBS Short Course Agenda
TAMU – 2024 CE + NBS Short Course Impressions
TAMU – 2023 CE + NBS Short Course Agenda
Here are some quotes from past attendees:
Elena F.: “THANK YOU! Thanks for putting together this course, it was fantastic! I really love the lectures, the content, the professors and everything! 10/10 experience! I would recommend this course to colleagues and coworkers.”
Joanna F.: “The boat tour and the bus tours were very enjoyable. Nothing is better than actually seeing something in person.”
Tom B.: “Overall great course with lots of takeaways to unpack in day-to-day industry.”
Danielle G.: “This experience was wonderful!!! Thank you everyone for putting it together, preparing amazing lectures, and covering a huge breadth of material in a few short days (without it feeling overwhelming!). Also, the food was great!”
John R.: “Excellent! I loved the bus tour, I think Galveston is a great place to give a coastal engineering course. It is the live example of how a city succeed on coastal engineering!”