- Christiaanse, J. C., Antolínez, J. A. A., van der Grinten, M. J., Taal, F., Figlus, J., Dellapenna, T. M., Marshall, C. D., Tereskiewicz, P. A., Cohn, N., Majzlik, E., and Reniers, A. J. H. M. (2025). Measurements of groundwater, hydrodynamics and sand characteristics at a dissipative sea turtle nesting beach. Scientific Data. [accepted]
- *Tong, F., Figlus, J., *Joubert, J. J., & *Fuller, W. P. (2025). Field measurements and numerical simulations of deep-draft vessel wake hydrodynamics in a shallow bay system. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. [accepted]
- van Schaijk, M. M. J., Jonkman, S. N., van Berchum, E. C., and Figlus, J. (2024). The Shade Curtain Barrier, a new storm surge barrier concept for the San Luis Pass (Texas). Shore & Beach, 92(4), 34–38.
- *Joubert, J. J., Figlus, J. and Mohan, R. (2024). Review of design guidance and past practices of confined aquatic placement within United States harbors and estuaries. Journal of Dredging, 21/1: 1–25. WEDA2024-21(1).
- Feagin, R.A., Innocenti, R.A., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Huff, T.P., Lomonaco, P., Tsai, B., Puleo, J., Pontiki, M., Figlus, J., Chavez, V., and Silva, R. (2023). Does vegetation accelerate coastal dune erosion during extreme events? Science Advances 9/24: eadg7135.
- Figlus, J., McKee Smith, J., Tomiczek, T., and McFall, B. C. (2023). Editorial: Natural and nature-based features for flood risk management. Frontiers in Built Environment – Coastal and Offshore Engineering, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbuil.2022.1128508/
- Figlus, J., *Sigren, J. M., Feagin, R. A., and Armitage, A. R. (2022). The unique ability of fine roots to reduce vegetated coastal dune erosion during wave collision. Frontiers in Built Environment – Coastal and Offshore Engineering, 8. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbuil.2022.904837
- Huff, T. P., Feagin, R. A., and Figlus, J. (2022). Delft3D as a tool for living shoreline design selection by coastal managers. Frontiers in Built Environment – Coastal and Offshore Engineering, 8. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fbuil.2022.926662
- Innocenti, R. A., Feagin, R. A., Charbonneau, B. R., Figlus, J., Lomonaco, P., Wengrove, M., Puleo, J., Huff, T. P., Rafati, Y., Hsu, T.-J., Moragues, M. V., Tsai, B., Boutton, T., Pontiki, M., and Smith, J. (2021). The effects of plant structure and flow properties on the physical response of coastal dune plants to wind and wave run-up. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 261: 107556. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107556
- Feagin, R. A., Bridges, T. S., Bledsoe, B., Losos, E., Ferreira, S., Corwin, E., Lodder, Q., Beck, M. W., Reguero, B., Sutton-Grier, A., Figlus, J., Palmer, R., Nelson, D. R., Smith, C., Olander, L., Silliman, B., Pietersen, H., Costanza, R., Gittman, R. K., Narayan, S., Pontee, N., Donahue, M., McNeill, D., and Guidry, T. (2021). Infrastructure investment must incorporate Nature’s lessons in a rapidly changing world. One Earth, 4/10: 1361–1364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2021.10.003
- *Whitley, A.E., Figlus, J., Valsamidis, A., and Reeve, D.E. (2021). One-line modeling of mega-nourishment evolution. Journal of Coastal Research, 37/6: 1224-1234. https://doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-20-00157.1
- Figlus, J., *Song, Y.-K., Maglio, C.K., Friend, P.L., Poleykett, J., Engel, F.L., Schnoeblen, D., and Boburka, K. (2021). Particle tracer analysis for submerged berm placement of dredged material near South Padre Island, Texas. Journal of Dredging, 19/1: 14-30.
- Valsamidis, A., Figlus, J., Ritt, B., and Reeve, D. E. (2021). Modelling the morphodynamic evolution of Galveston beach, Gulf of Mexico, following Hurricane Ike in 2008. Continental Shelf Research, 104373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2021.104373
- *Anarde, K., Cheng, W., Tissier, M., Figlus, J., and Horrillo, J. (2021). Meteotsunamis accompanying tropical cyclone rainbands during Hurricane Harvey. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126/1, e2020JC016347. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016347
- *Anarde, K., Figlus, J., Sous, D., Tissier, A.M. (2020). Transformation of infragravity waves during hurricane overwash. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 545.
- Huff, T., Feagin, R., and Figlus, J. (2020). Enhanced Tide Model: Improving tidal predictions with integration of wind data. Shore & Beach, 88/2: 40–45.
- Briggs, T. M. R., Figlus, J., Torres-Freyermuth, A., Puleo, J. A., Warren, W., and *Alrushaid, T. (2020). Variability in onshore sediment transport on a natural beach during a Central American cold surge event. Journal of Coastal Research, 36/3: 487-497.
- *Almarshed, B., Figlus, J., Miller, J., and Verhagen, H. J. (2020). Innovative coastal risk reduction through hybrid design: combining sand cover and structural defenses. Journal of Coastal Research, 36/1:174-188.
- Smallegan, S. M., Figlus, J., Stark, N., Sasanakul, I., Monslave, L. G. A., Shafii, I., Jafari, N., Ravichandran, N., and Bassal, P. (2020). Post-2017 hurricane season assessment of civil infrastructure impacts on beach and near-beach environments. International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, 5/4: 47-61.
- Stark, N., Smallegan, S., Jafari, N., Shafii, I., Figlus, J., and Bassal, P. (2020). Scour at the seawall in Surfside, Texas, during Hurricane Harvey (2017). International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, 5/4: 62-76.
- Feagin, R. A., *Furman, M., Salgado, K., Martinez, M. L., *Innocenti, R. A., Eubanks, K., Figlus, J., *Huff, T. P., *Sigren, J., and Silva, R. (2019). The role of beach and sand dune vegetation in mediating wave run up erosion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 219: 97-106.
- Figlus, J., *Song, Y.-K., *Chardon-Maldonado, P., and Puleo, J. A. (2018). Numerical simulation of post-storm recovery and time-averaged swash velocity on an engineered beach with ridge-runnel system. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 28/2: 143-153.
- *Sigren, J. M., Figlus, J., Highfield, W., Feagin, R. A., and Armitage, A. R. (2018). The effects of coastal dune volume and vegetation on storm-induced property damage: A hurricane Ike case study. Journal of Coastal Research, 34/1: 164-173.
- Torres-Freyermuth, A., Puleo, J. A., DiCosmo, N., Allende-Arandía, M. E., Chardón-Maldonado, P., López, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, B., de Alegria-Arzaburu, A. R., Figlus, J., Roberts Briggs, T. M., de la Roza, J., and Candela, J. (2017). Nearshore circulation on a sea breeze dominated beach during intense wind events. Continental Shelf Research, 151/C: 40-52
- Pieterse, A., Puleo, J. A., McKenna, T. E., and Figlus, J. (2017). In situ measurements of shear stress, erosion and deposition in man-made tidal channels within a tidal saltmarsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 192: 29–41.
- *Harter, C. and Figlus, J. (2017). Numerical modeling of the morphodynamic response of a low-lying barrier island beach and foredune system inundated during Hurricane Ike using XBeach and CSHORE. Coastal Engineering, 120: 64–74.
- Pampell-Manis, A., Horrillo, J., and Figlus, J. (2016). Estimating tsunami inundation from hurricane storm surge predictions along the U.S. gulf coast. Ocean Dynamics, 66/8: 1005-1024.
- Feagin, R. A., Figlus, J., Zinnert, J. C., *Sigren, J., Martinez, M. L., Silva, R., … Carter, G. (2015). Going with the flow or against the grain? The promise of vegetation for protecting beaches, dunes, and barrier islands from erosion. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13/4: 203–210.
- *Sigren, J., Figlus, J., and Armitage, A. R. (2014). Coastal sand dunes and dune vegetation: restoration, erosion, and storm protection. Shore & Beach, 82/4: 5–12.
- Ma, G., Kirby, J. T., Su, S.-F., Figlus, J., and Shi, F. (2013). Numerical study of turbulence and wave damping induced by vegetation canopies. Coastal Engineering, 80: 68–78.
- Figlus, J., Kobayashi, N., and Gralher, C. (2012). Onshore migration of emerged ridge and ponded runnel. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 138/5: 331–338.
- Figlus, J., Kobayashi, N., Gralher, C., and Iranzo, V. (2011). Wave overtopping and overwash of dunes. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 137/1: 26–33.
- Kobayashi, N., Hicks, B. S., and Figlus, J. (2011). Evolution of gravel beach profiles. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 137/5: 258–262.
- Figlus, J. and Kobayashi, N. (2008). Inverse estimation of sand transport rates on nourished Delaware beaches. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 134/4: 218–225.
- Peirson, W. L., Figlus, J., Pells, S. E., & Cox, R. J. (2008). Placed rock as protection against erosion by flow down steep slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134/9: 1370–1375.
(* denotes supervised student or post-doc)