- Robbins, C., Figlus, J., and Dellapenna, T. M. (2024). Comparative analysis of subsurface soil characteristics for storm surge barrier implementation: Insights from the Maeslant barrier, Netherlands for the Bolivar Roads channel, Texas. ASBPA National Coastal Conference, Galveston, TX.
- *Turnbaugh, J. and Figlus, J. (2024). Enhancing rock revetments using microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP). ASBPA National Coastal Conference, Galveston, TX.
- Christiaanse, J., Antolínez, J. A. Á., van der Grinten, M., Taal, F., Figlus, J., Dellapenna, T. M., Marshall, C. D., Tereszkiewicz, P., and Cohn, N. (2023). Assessing the risk of sea turtle nest inundation on sandy beaches: a field experiment on Galveston Island, Texas. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- *Whitley, A., Figlus, J., and Valsamidis, A. (2019). “One-line numerical modeling of mega nourishment shoreline interactions with a groin field.” EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria.
- *Anarde, K., Figlus, J., Fang, N., Dellapenna, T., and Bedient, P. (2018). “Hurricane Harvey rapid response: Field measurements of hydrodynamic forcing and morphological evolution on Matagorda Peninsula and Follets Island, TX.” AGU Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, OR.
- *Alrushaid, T., Figlus, J., and Dellapenna, T. (2018). “Field measurements of nearshore currents, waves, and sediment dynamics on a microtidal beach during fluctuating onshore and offshore winds.” AGU Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, OR.
- *Anarde, K., Figlus, J., Dellapenna, T., and Bedient, P. (2017). Hurricane Harvey rapid response: observations of infragravity wave dynamics and morphological change during inundation of a barrier island cut. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Smallegan, S. M., Stark, N., Jafari, N., Ravichandran, N., Shafii, I., Bassal, P., and Figlus, J. (2017). Geotechnical impacts of Hurricane Harvey along the Texas, USA coast. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- *Myres, B.H., *Anarde, K., and Figlus, J. (2016). Tilt current meter field validation in the surf zone. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- *Do, C., *Anarde, K., Figlus, J., Prouse, W., and Bedient, P. (2016). UAS photogrammetry for rapid response characterization of coastal change. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Figlus, J. and *Harter C.F. (2016). XBeach and CSHORE numerical model assessment of the beach and foredune morphodynamic response of a barrier island during hurricane storm surge inundation: Follet’s Island case study. AGU Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- *Alrushaid, T., Figlus, J., Puleo, J., Torres-Freyermuth, A., and Dellapenna, T. (2016). Surf zone sediment size variation and morphodynamics comparing sea/land breeze and el-Norte events in Sisal, Yucatan, Mexico. AGU Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- *Chardon-Maldonado, P., Puleo, J., and Figlus, J. (2014). In-situ observations of swash flow velocities and sediment transport on a high-sloped beach. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Torres-Freyermuth, A., Puleo, J.A., Ruiz de Alegría-Arzaburu, A., Figlus, J., Mendoza, T., Pintado-Patino, J.C., Pieterse, A., *Chardon-Maldonado, P., DiCosmo, N.R., *Wellman, N., Garcia-Nava, H., Palemón-Arcos, L., Roberts, T., López-González, J., Bravo, M., Ojeda, E., Medellín, G., Appendini, C.M., Figueroa, B., González-Leija, M., Enriquez, C., Pedrozo-Acuña, A., Salles, P., and de la Roza, J. (2014). Nearshore coastal dynamics on a sea-breeze dominated micro-tidal beach (NCSAL). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
(* denotes supervised student or post-doc)