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- Dellapenna, T. M., Wellbrock, N., Hoelscher, C., Schenk, R., Sudduth, S., and Figlus, J. (2023). Cyclone driven sediment flux within a large urban estuary: impact of Hurricane Harvey on Galveston Bay and subsequent recovery/dispersal. In Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2023. New Orleans, LA.
- Figlus, J., and *Almarshed, B. (2019). Wave overtopping over sand-covered rubble mound structures. In Proceedings of Coastal Structures 2019. Hannover, Germany: ASCE.
- *Taqi, A., and Figlus, J. (2019). A 3D physical model study of reinforced dune evolution during storm conditions. In Proceedings of Coastal Structures 2019. Hannover, Germany: ASCE.
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- Figlus, J., *Song, Y. K., *Chardon-Maldonado, P., and Puleo, J. A. (2017). Ridge-runnel and swash dynamics field experiment on a steep meso-tidal engineered beach: numerical model simulation of ridge accretion. In Proceedings of International Society of Polar and Ocean Engineers. San Francisco, CA: ISOPE.
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- Figlus, J. and *Harter, C. F. (2016). Storm impact on barrier island subaerial morphology and subsequent recovery. In Preceedings of 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Rhodes, Greece: ISOPE.
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- Figlus, J., *West, N. A., *Almarshed, B., and Jonkman, S. N. (2015). Conceptual design and physical model study of core-enhanced dunes as hybrid coastal defense structures. In Proceedings of Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference. Boston, MA: ASCE.
- *Sigren, J. M., Figlus, J., Highfield, W., Armitage, A. R., and Feagin, R. A. (2015). Evaluating the economic effects of coastal dunes in reducing storm-induced property damage: Hurricane Ike and Texas Coast case study. In Proceedings of Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference. Boston, MA: ASCE.
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- Figlus, J., Kobayashi, N., and Gralher, C. (2012). Ridge-Runnel Migration. In Coastal Engineering Proceedings (Vol. 33). Santander, Spain: ASCE.
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- Kobayashi, N., Figlus, J., and Buck, M. (2008). Beach nourishment and dune erosion. In Proceedings of 3rd International Short Course and Workshop on Applied Coastal Research. Lecce, Italy.
(* denotes supervised student or post-doc)